Pregnancy Exercise

Should You Exercise During Pregnancy?

While everyone wants a healthy baby, many women would like to control their weight gain and avoid gestational diabetes during pregnancy. That’s why I noticed one more article in the Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise issue I read; in addition, I’ve recording the updated Healthy Babies: From Conception to Breastfeeding audio and want to include the latest research.

Researchers examined data from three studies on the effects of exercise on pregnant women. The first study included land-based exercises, the second was water-based exercises, and the third was a combination. They were compared with a control group of pregnant women who didn’t exercise. Here’s what researchers discovered:

  • Women who exercise in any way gained less weight; while it’s necessary to gain some weight while you grow a little person inside you, exercise helped women keep their weight from exceeding desirable levels.
  • Women who performed water exercises or a combination of water and land exercise had fewer cases of gestational diabetes. The authors theorized that because of the buoyancy factor of the water, women perceived water exercise as being less strenuous on the back and other joints and were able to exercise more.

The message is clear, ladies: it’s important to keep moving while you’re pregnant, under the guidance of your physician, of course. And it seems you can get even more benefits if you can work out in a pool. It’s a great investment in yourself and your life with your little one. And men, it wouldn’t hurt you to get in the pool, too—now that I have a two-year-old grandson, I have a new respect for the physical demands of fatherhood and you need to be ready.

What are you prepared to do today?

Dr. Chet


Reference: MSSE. DOI: 10.1249/MSS.0000000000001234