
Your Oral Microbiome and Infertility

Is there a relationship between the health of your teeth and your ability to conceive? Yes, and in today’s message, I’ll give you the latest research to come to that conclusion. This week’s messages provide insight into some of the health issues surrounding infertility. It’s also a kick-off of the second edition of my Healthy Babies CD and download.

In a review article, researchers examined the literature that was related to periodontal disease and women’s health. The examined systematic reviews, meta-analyses, and narrative reviews to evaluate all possible associations between periodontitis, systemic diseases, and women. The strongest association they found in the published literature was between infertility and periodontal disease, a growth in pathogenic bacteria in the gums surrounding the teeth. With open access to the bloodstream, these bacteria can affect many disease conditions such as heart disease. They can also contribute to infertility. And let’s be realistic: carrying a baby is a health challenge. You don’t need any rogue bacteria attacking your mouth or the rest of your body.

In this case, the solution for periodontal disease is simple: treat the periodontal disease and begin good oral hygiene including flossing, regular brushing, and regular dental check-ups. That will contribute to a healthy oral microbiome. There may still be other factors related to infertility that should be addressed, but you’ll have ruled out one possible obstacle as well as doing something great for your overall health.

What are you prepared to do today?

Dr. Chet


Reference: Curr Med Res Opin. 2017. Mar 24:1-11.