
Treatment for High Triglycerides

Hypertriglyceridemia, the medical term for high triglycerides, is a risk for cardiovascular disease. Recently I spotted a health headline from a medical newsletter that read “Omega-3 Fatty Acid Medications Can Boost Cardiovascular Health.” The word that caught my attention was “medications” so I checked it out.

The article described the benefits of recently approved medications based on marine omega-3 fatty acids. I checked out the latest one called Vascepa®. This is a purified form of fish oil that, according to the data on its website, can lower triglycerides up to 33%. Sounds impressive.

Back to the newsletter article: the author interviewed the lead author of a review paper that stated that prescription omega-3s are effective in lowering high triglycerides. Then she went on to say to avoid omega-3s from dietary supplements because they haven’t been proven to lower triglycerides as the prescription omega-3s have.

The website for Vascepa went a lot further in criticizing omega-3 supplements. What were their objections? Is a prescription the best way to go to treat hypertriglyceridemia? That’s what I’ll cover the rest of this week.

What are you prepared to do today?

        Dr. Chet
