
Is a Relaxed Holiday Eating Plan Better?

The Portuguese Weight Control Registry is similar to the National Weight Control Registry. While the amount lost is different, 11 pounds, the members still have to have kept the weight off at least a year. Researchers asked what techniques participants used for weight maintenance, comparing weekdays versus weekends and holidays versus non-holidays. The criteria were different. Those researchers were looking at weight regain of 3% or less that was maintained for an additional year. What did they find?

Subjects who relaxed their eating plan on weekends maintained their weight loss better than those who strictly adhered to their diet and exercise regimen. The comparison with holiday and non-holiday habits didn’t show any differences in weight regain. There were a significant number of subjects who dropped out, and that probably impacted the results.

Neither of these studies on the Registries was perfect but it does give us some insight. Depending on your mental make-up, it may be better to stick to your regimen during the holidays or maybe you can relax a little. While not reported, it would depend on your mental willpower at the time. That might change year to year. Well, where does that leave you? One more study to review that might provide the solution.

What are you prepared to do today?

        Dr. Chet
