
Reducing COVID-19 Stress

On the way to the studio yesterday to record my radio show Straight Talk on Health, an Insider asked me about how to assess a hotel for whether he should stay there or not. Then last night, I heard an interview with David Ropeik, author of the book “How Risky Is It?”

After thinking about it, the common theme is that the risk presented by the COVID-19 virus has us in a constant state of stress. Should we go on a trip or not? Do we continue the book club meetings or go to swim class? Can we get enough toilet paper—something we seem to be obsessing about?

We are facing something that’s unseen. We don’t know exactly who has the virus or whether they’re infectious. We can do only what we can do. Wash your hands. Clean surfaces regularly. Cough or sneeze into your elbow. Those things we can control and so we should. What we should not do is worry about them. Impossible, you say? I know it’s difficult, but here’s the deal: worry leads to stress, and stress has a negative affect on the immune system. Just when you need your immune system to be at its optimal level, the stress causes it to be compromised. That’s not helping you get ready in case you’re exposed, and many of us will be. It’s our immune system that will determine how our body responds.

Control what you can, chill out, and take your supplements. Do things you can do at home that relax you and make you feel happy, whether it’s reading, sorting through your closet, watching a movie, or video calling your grandkids. Take a nap, pet your dog, do some yoga—never tried yoga? Now you’ve got time.

That’s the best advice I can give you to keep your immune system strong.

What are you prepared to do today?

        Dr. Chet