
Happy New Year!

Welcome to 2021! I’m looking forward to teaching you how to be healthier, leaner, and fitter this year—in other words, how to be the best version of yourself.

The first day of a new year is always exciting. What I’d recommend is that you use today as well as the rest of the weekend for reflection and analysis. If you want to change your diet, you have to know what you’re eating right now. If you want to improve your strength, you have to know how strong you are right now. We could go through every possible health goal, from managing type 2 diabetes to losing a significant amount of body fat, but it all starts with knowing where you are right now.

The way you end 2021 will not be the way that you begin it. Think of babies: they learn to hold their head up, how to roll over, and sit up. Then they learn to crawl and creep, then stand, take steps holding on to something, and finally those wobbly steps when they start the process of walking and then running. At each step of the process, they’re learning and building for the next step. One more thing: they fail. A lot.

Keep that in mind as you decide how you’re going to do what you need to do to make the best version of yourself in 2021. Approach it in a step-wise manner, and it starts with assessing where you are right now.

What are you prepared to do today?

        Dr. Chet