
Happy Thanksgiving

Paula, Riley, Jamie, and I would like to wish every one of you a Happy Thanksgiving. Normally, we would send these good wishes next week, but after a battle with brain cancer, Jamie’s sister passed away on Thursday leaving behind two young children. With the activities associated with passings, it seemed fitting to take care of family needs next week.

At times like these it can be hard to feel thankful, but we’ll always remember the time we had with Nicki and all the love she shared with Jamie and Riley. I know that many of you will remember Nicki and her family in your prayers, and we’re grateful for that as well.

While you spend time with family and friends, remember that life is short no matter how long you live. Take the time to appreciate all those people in your life, family or not, and let them know it.

One of the things that you can do is to begin or continue to work on being the best version of yourself. You may or may not live one second longer, but you will be able to live every day you’re alive. That means the time you spend with those you love and who love you may be even better.

I’ll see you in the next Memo on the 30th. Insiders, I’m still available when you need me.

What are you prepared to do today?

        Dr. Chet