Don’t Forget Fluids

With the unseasonably warm weather many of us are experiencing, I thought it was time to remind you that it’s not all about water: the emphasis should be on fluids. Coffee, tea, milk, soda, sports drinks, soup—all of those count toward your daily fluid intake.

It’s true that some drinks are better than others. Sugary drinks take extra fluid to keep your blood osmotically balanced or to store the sugar as glycogen, but all drinks count as fluid. The only drinks that don’t count are alcoholic drinks because alcohol is a diuretic; caffeine isn’t a true diuretic, so worry about the caffeine only as it affects your sleep. But the rest? All good. Don’t forget that most vegetables and fruit are mostly water, so they count as fluid as well.

How much fluid do you need? One-half your body weight in ounces (if you weigh 200 pounds, make sure you’re getting at least 100 ounces of water every day), and more if you’re in the humid heat.

There’s one more thing you could add; I’ll let you know what on Saturday.

What are you prepared to do today?

        Dr. Chet