
Feast Mode!

Comedian and political satirist Bill Maher has been one of my favorites since his first show Politically Incorrect aired over 20 years ago. He is also an outspoken critic of our nation’s health: it’s poor and getting worse. On a recent show, he used the term Feast Mode and explained why it’s a problem.

Feast Mode used to be going on vacation and eating whatever you wanted. It also used to be reserved for holidays such as Thanksgiving where you intended to overeat and then went back to a healthier way to eat, if not in the types of food, at least in the quantities. He suggests that Feast Mode now extends all year long for most Americans. I agree and have the numbers to prove it: close to 70% of us are overweight with 41.9% now classified as obese.

He goes on to talk about the politics of obesity, comparing the psychology of fat shaming to celebrating our fatness. No one should be shamed for being overweight, but that doesn’t mean that it’s healthy to be fat. He suggests that science gets re-written to support what you want it to be instead of reality. I would correct one thing: social science might get re-written, but hard science is based on hard numbers—and however we may feel about it, the number on the scale is the number on the scale. We’re not quibbling about five pounds here; we’re talking about 50 or 100 pounds or more beyond a normal weight.

The question is what does Feast Mode cost? I’ll cover that on Saturday.

Tomorrow night is the monthly Insider Conference call. I’ve got a couple of topics related to dietary supplements to cover and then I’ll answer Insider questions. Become an Insider before 8 p.m. tomorrow and join the discussion.

What are you prepared to do today?

        Dr. Chet

Reference: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/obesity-overweight.htm