
What Did I Do?

Fall is here and those wonderful multi-colored leaves everyone seems to love are making their appearance here in Michigan. While they can be stunning to look at, they will need to be raked and recycled. That’s going to lead to people waking up the next day (or days because they all don’t drop on the same day) feeling like they’ve been run over by a truck. Sore. Fatigued. Hard to move.

Recently Paula was on a mission to find a specific item so we went to six different big box stores in one afternoon, which is something we hadn’t done since before covid. She felt fine and made it through the day but was wiped out the next day. I just spent the weekend in St. Louis with a few thousand of my closest friends talking and answering questions. Both days I was wiped out and went to bed early. Ever help someone move? Remember how you felt the next day? You ask yourself, “What did I do?”

The technical term is delayed-onset muscle soreness. I think it’s really more than just muscles involved. The question is why? Raking leaves and walking through stores isn’t strenuous. Neither is standing and talking. What gives? Any time a task requires repetitive movements you’re not used to doing, you’re at risk for delayed-onset muscle soreness. I’ll talk about how to deal with it on Saturday.

What are you prepared to do today?

        Dr. Chet