
What’s Brain Food?

If I ask what you think a good brain food would be, what would you answer? I think for most people, it would probably be fish, especially cold-water fish such as tuna and salmon. I don’t think we can discount how important omega-3 fatty acids are to the function of our bodies, especially our nervous system. But based on recent research, I don’t think we have to get quite as exotic as cold-water fish. I think we can find what we need in the produce section or at farmers markets. I’m talking about the phytonutrient class called flavanols.

Researchers recruited over 7,500 people—men over 60 and women over 65—as potential subjects. After meeting the criteria established for inclusion in this clinical trial, researchers ended up with just over 3,500 subjects. To test the theory that flavanols would improve memory, researchers used three different online memory tests. They used a form of the Healthy Eating Index to evaluate dietary intake of flavanols. They also used a test for the urinary excretion of flavanol by-products to confirm the amount of flavanols in the diet.

Half the subjects got a flavanol extract from cacao that contained at least 500 mg of cacao flavanols, including 80 mg of epicatechin; the remainder of the subjects received the placebo. Subjects were tested before the study began and then at the end of one, two, and three years.

The primary goal was not met; not all subjects saw an improvement in memory after the first year. The secondary goal was met, and it may prove to be even more important. I’ll finish this review on Saturday.

What are you prepared to do today?

        Dr. Chet

Reference:   PNAS May 2023.