
Merry Christmas!

It’s safe to say 2020 certainly has been challenging; many things have impacted our lives that we really had no control over. The one thing that we could control is how we responded to those challenges. Maybe you forgot that with all the noise from so many sources.

Here’s my gift to you. Stop. Take a deep breath, maybe a couple. Repeat these words: I am in charge of me. Repeat it until you mean it. Take another deep breath and get on with taking charge of your health.

You can complain about masks and no holiday get togethers and no traveling and on and on, or you can get about taking charge of you and start working toward the best health you’ve ever had. When this pandemic fizzles out, and it will fizzle out sometime in 2021, you’ll be ready to get back to living life with more gusto than ever before. In the meantime, follow the rules so we can all get back to living our lives sooner.

From my family to yours, here’s hoping for a wonderful 2021. And as always: What are you prepared to do today?

        Dr. Chet