Tag Archive for: activity

Blue Zones: Keep Moving

Continuing our look at the lessons from Secrets of the Blue Zones, the next point that stood out to me was that everyone was physically active. I mentioned tai chi, but that’s organized activity. The Blue Zone secret is that the people were physically active throughout their day.

In some zones, they tended to gardens for part of the day. Or they got together in groups to prepare food. They didn’t stop at the grocery to pick up a rotisserie chicken and a bag of salad—they butchered the chicken, plucked the feathers, put it on the spit, turned the spit, and so on. Bread was made from scratch and pasta as well.

One scene struck me: the people who lived in Sardinia were always walking either uphill or downhill to visit friends, to go to the market, to church, or to get an espresso. In general, people who lived to 100 never really stopped physical activity.

In more modern areas such as Loma Linda and Singapore, there were parks and walking paths close by. However, whenever they could, they walked to get where they were going.

Did they also do more conventional workouts, alone or in groups? Absolutely, but the real key is that they moved throughout their day. Conventional exercise is important for a lot of reasons; for example, Paula sent me a quote yesterday that sedentary middle-aged Japanese women found that 16 weeks of regular exercise improved the elasticity and structure of their skin.

If you’re serious about living well regardless of age, find a way to move more every day.

What are you prepared to do today?

        Dr. Chet

Reader’s Edition: How to Treat Obesity

Thank you again for your responses to my question about obesity—you all did a great job. Some answers were short, and some went into a lot of detail. Just like last week, I’ve excerpted some of your answers. Enjoy reading what others have done and are doing, because if you have weight you’d like to abandon, you’ll find some tips in here to help you out.

A New Lifestyle
“It’s a lifestyle decision to make. Eat less by using a salad plate rather than a dinner plate—no seconds. Eat heart-healthy foods . . .

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