Tag Archive for: Aging with a Vengeance: Managing Pain

Super Bowl Webinar and a Slip on the Ice

Now that the snow has almost melted, I’ve taken to walking outside. When I walk, I think. On yesterday’s walk, I was thinking about the Super Bowl Webinar. Without warning, I slipped on a patch of ice and landed on my butt. In the annals of slipping and landing, it was perfect. Legs out, butt first, then elbows. Didn’t hurt a thing. I had no problem getting up and getting moving, but I think it knocked some sense into me.

Paula’s recovering from knee replacement very well, although she’s learned that having gone through one knee replacement doesn’t mean the second will be easy. The problem is that sitting at her desk for hours every day, creating and editing all the graphics and info in enough time to have it ready by February 11 doesn’t make sense for her recovery. Therefore, the Aging with a Vengeance: Managing Pain webinar will be held on February 25. Regardless of age, that’s the number one question I get asked. That’s the topic, so save the date. More information will follow.

What are you prepared to do today?

        Dr. Chet