Tag Archive for: declutter

The Right Choices

What do you think is more important: the state of your garage or the state of your clothes closet? The state of your basement or the state of your car? The state of your desk or the state of your pantry? Do you want them neat and organized, or are you okay with going through piles of things to find something you didn’t put away?

Let’s look at one more state. Is the state of any one of those areas I already mentioned more important then the state of your health? I think everyone would agree that your health is more important.

Final question: where are you spending your effort, your time, and your money? If you don’t have your health, most of those other areas will never get addressed, so it’s easy to see which should come first.

Your health is also not just one thing; it’s your energy levels, your fitness, your cardiovascular health, your strength, your bones, along with how you manage your diet, your diseases and conditions, and on and on. Are you taking care of your health with the same effort you’re using to take care of your car, garage, desk, or closets? Whether you do or whether you don’t, there’s a price to be paid. More about that Saturday.

Just a reminder that the Super Bowl Webinar: Reclaiming Your Power!  is this Sunday at 3 p.m. Eastern Time; registration is $12.95. You’ll learn why the mitochondria can impact all areas of your health and what you can do to repair this energy-producing powerhouse. Sign up today.

What are you prepared to do today?

        Dr. Chet