Tag Archive for: hazard ratio

Do Artificial Sweeteners Increase Cancer Risk?

Last week, my health news feed filled up with headlines that almost all sounded like this: “Artificial Sweeteners Linked to Higher Cancer Risk!” This isn’t the first study to suggest that relationship and it won’t be the last. This French epidemiological study of over 100,000 subjects collected data for more than seven years. One of the things I almost always criticize is data collection using food frequency questionnaires. Not this time.

The subjects completed at least two food diaries per year. Portions were assessed by comparing with pictures of portions sizes. What they did particularly well is to list all the foods that contained artificial sweeteners, including all brand names; then they tested most of the foods in the lab to verify the presence of artificial sweeteners. Researchers collected as many confounding variables as they could to account for everything that contributes to cancer.

After the statistical analysis, the overall hazard ratio demonstrated a 13% increase in the risk of cancer. Aspartame and acesulfame potassium were the artificial sweeteners with the highest hazard ratio among all those tested. Based on this information, do we need to avoid artificial sweeteners or at least lower the amounts we consume? I’ll talk about that Saturday.

What are you prepared to do today?

        Dr. Chet

Reference: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pmed.1003950