Tag Archive for: libido

Does Exercise Reduce Libido?

A recent health headline said that strenuous exercise reduces a man’s libido. I would propose that nothing gets men’s attention—and probably quite a few women—more than sex. Should you be worried?

Researchers conducted an online survey targeting men that included questions about demographics, exercise habits, and sexual libido. What they found was that as exercise training increased, male libido decreased. The amount of exercise per week, the intensity of the exercise, and the number of years in serious training all seemed to play a factor in libido levels. The more serious their training for longer periods of time, the more affect on their libido.

Here’s the thing: this really applies only to serious marathoners or triathletes that spend over an hour training every day. What should have made headlines is that if men exercise at low or moderate levels, their libido is normal. What they didn’t even hint at was this: moderate exercise can increase energy and the all-important blood flow as well as making men and women feel better about themselves, all positives when we’re talking about libido. There’s nothing sexy about a couch potato.

This headline was based on just a survey with no hormonal measures, but it seems that a brisk walk or jog an hour a day is about right. It all comes down to this:

What are you prepared to do today?

Dr. Chet
Reference: MSSE. 2017 Feb 13. doi: 10.1249/MSS.0000000000001235