Tag Archive for: networks

Can You Still Reach Your Goals?

As I was working out the other day, I listened to a podcast about different takes on aging from people in a variety of fields. But one stood out to me, so let me tell you a little bit about it.

Dr. Albert-László Barabási is a physicist who studies networks; genetic expression, disease development, and the world wide web are some networks he has studied. But his forte is examining networks in many different areas of study. For example, regardless of your level of competence as an artist, he can look at the network of where you’ve displayed your work and be able to predict whether you’ll be a successful artist or not. The possibility of success wasn’t dependent on ability alone, although that is important.

He decided to look at his own profession: being a physicist. What he found was that if you don’t write that seminal paper that gets your research published by 35 and then referenced by many others, it will never happen. Now that he’s over 50, he decided to look further at the real question. What he attempted to examine is this: is it your actual age that predicts success or is it creativity? If you keep trying, could you ultimately succeed, or was it all over at 36?

You may wonder what this has to do with health. I’ll put it together for you on Saturday and believe me, for your health goals in 2024, it’s one memo you don’t want to miss.

Tomorrow night is the Insider Conference Call. I’ll answer some recent questions about vitamin C as well as the topic for this year’s Super Bowl Webinar. If you become an Insider by 8 p.m. Eastern Time tomorrow night, you can join the discussion.

What are you prepared to do today?

        Dr. Chet

Reference: Ted Radio Hour. Late Bloomers. 9-1-2023