Tag Archive for: plaque

The Bottom Line on Omega-3s

When you consider the research studies I reviewed last week and this week on omega-3 fatty acids, they may seem confusing. The reason is that in both of those studies, they were looking at very specific outcomes. In last Thursday’s memo, it was changes in the quantity of specific cytokines, chemicals that are inflammatory in nature. In the study from Tuesday, it was for reduction of cardiac events. There are other ways that omega-3s can contribute to health, and I thought a little review would be in order.

Cellular Membranes

Cells seem to work better when they contain omega-3 fatty acids. Remember, a cell has an exterior wall of a lipid bilayer. If the diet contains a high amount of saturated fat, a high amount of saturated fat becomes part of that lipid bilayer. If the diet contains more omega-3 fatty acids, whether by eating fish or by taking a dietary supplement, the cell membranes contain a higher proportion of omega-3 fatty acids. While the mechanisms are not known, the cells seem to function better when they contain more omega-3s.

Let me give you a couple of examples. Nerve tissue seems to function better when there’s a high amount of DHA in the bloodstream; DHA supplementation seems to be beneficial for nerve problems such as migraine headaches, depression, and Parkinson’s disease. It’s not a cure, but somehow the omega-3s become integrated into those nerve cells and they work better. The same holds true for the eyes; vision is dependent on the nervous system to operate properly, and high DHA appears to benefit eye health as well.

Hormone Control

The study I reviewed last Thursday focused on one type of inflammatory chemicals called the cytokines, but there are other pro-inflammatory hormones that may be better controlled with both high EPA and DHA supplementation. Cortisol is a known stress hormone. In times like we’re experiencing now and for those who are overweight or obese, cortisol levels are higher; that may be due to the increased presence of saturated fat. If omega-3s become part of triglycerides, the potential for inflammatory hormones such as cortisol can be decreased.

There’s also the possibility that persistent use of both EPA and DHA reduces atherosclerotic plaque, the hard layer of fat that builds up in arteries, or it may prevent cholesterol from being manufactured in the first place. While it’s too long of a process to explain in a Memo, our bodies make cholesterol two carbon molecules at a time. When there’s a higher amount of saturated fat, the process can speed along unabated; but when there’s a high percentage of omega-3 fatty acids present, the process gets interrupted. We don’t know the mechanisms; we just know omega-3s help.

The Bottom Line

Those are some of the possible ways omega-3 fatty acids are used for our health. Undoubtedly there are many more that haven’t been discovered or haven’t been examined in enough clinical trials at this point. The most important thing for you and me is to make sure that either we eat several servings of fatty fish per week or we take up to four grams of high EPA-DHA omega-3 supplements every day—let the science work it out later. Our job is to provide our body with nutrients that are beneficial.

What are you prepared to do today?

        Dr. Chet

Dental Cavities Are an Engineering Wonder

Continuing our look at the process of dental decay, the methodology for this study was complex to say the least: preserving the plaque, analyzing the structure, obtaining samples of the bacteria, attempting and succeeding to grow the structures on enamel surfaces that mimic teeth, getting photographs of the electronic polymeric structure, and more.

This study demonstrated that the Streptococcus mutans bacterium doesn’t merely attach to the biofilm and multiply; it organizes itself and other bacteria into dome-like structures in order to protect the most inner part of the dome. They tested this by exposing the teeth to a commonly used anti-bacterial rinse and found only the most exterior part of the dome was destroyed. The bacteria then reorganized themselves and the other bacteria so they could continue the attack that causes tooth decay. As long as the medium is present, in spite of treatment, the bacteria will continue to organize its structure to promote decay. Amazing.

What was the conclusion? There was none at this point because this is new research. I have one for you that isn’t controversial nor does it require anything that you probably already don’t do intermittently: cut out a sugary diet for your children and yourself to stop the constant feeding of the bacteria. Then brush regularly after every meal; teach your kids to swish with water after every popsicle or gummy bear. And to break up the plaque, floss every day. That seems to be the only way to address this oral bacterium that’s an engineering marvel.

What are you prepared to do today?

        Dr. Chet

Reference: doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1919099117

Investigating the Architecture of Cavities

Have you ever wondered how your kids get cavities or why you got them as a kid? As I was researching studies on the microbiome, I found a fascinating article on cavities.

Cavities, also called dental caries, are a disease caused by bacteria that attack the biofilm known as plaque and damage the enamel of the teeth by creating an acidic atmosphere. In addition to the bacteria, cavities are also dependent on diet. All that stuff about sugar causing tooth decay? Yes, it’s actually true—just maybe not in the way we thought. The primary bacterium associated with tooth decay is Streptococcus mutans, an aggressive plaque builder and acid-producer. But how?

Researchers from two universities wanted to examine any types of structures that might be built on teeth by S. mutans and other bacteria that might contribute to cavities. What kind of structures are we talking about? No one really knew for sure. But to find out, they needed to study the structures as close to the mouth as possible but not actually in the mouths of children; they used the extracted teeth of children who had so much decay the teeth couldn’t be saved and preserved them for analysis. As unbelievable as it may sound, up to 2.5 billion people, mostly children, are impacted by this type of decay.

We’ll continue this look at the topic on Saturday.

What are you prepared to do today?

        Dr. Chet

Reference: doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1919099117