Tag Archive for: Real-Life Detox

Spring Cleaning

Earlier this week I was an election worker for the Michigan primary. It wasn’t particularly busy at times so, as often happens, people asked me what I do and then checked out my website. The conversation came around to my thoughts on detoxing. I said I thought it was really good; after all, I wrote Real-Life Detox to help people clean out their liver to get a head start on eating better.

A woman asked me about the basics of the program. After I talked about the cruciferous and allicin-containing vegetables, she said she likes to cook a lot of greens such as collard and mustard greens. I said, “Great. Just no bacon.” She laughed because I knew exactly where she was going with the comment. I gave her some ideas on how to make it healthier while maintaining the flavors.

I decided to do two things. First, reduce the price of the e-book to $7.95 for a week; the price goes back up Sunday, March 10. Second, I added the recipe for collard or any type of greens to the Recipes section of the website. My opinion is that it rivals the Cabbage Soup as the foundation of the foods you can eat that have all the detox veggies. And when you’re cooking supper and you need a green vegetable, these greens are a good option instead of nuking some peas or adding one more salad. Try them and let me know what you think.

It’s time to spring clean the most important thing in your life: you.

What are you prepared to do today?

        Dr. Chet

P.S. Apologies to all of you waiting for the Managing Pain Super Bowl Webinar replay. We’re having technical problems (the file won’t upload), but Paula and our IT guy are working on it. If you bought the webinar, you’ll get an email with a link as soon as we’ve got it.

The Detox Myth: Half Wrong

When health experts criticize cleansing and detox programs, they attack the many questionable programs that are touted on the Internet. From colonics to foot pads, their criticism is correct. But they also get it half wrong.

Cleansing is another word for fasting, and there’s plenty of research to support a fast of two to four days to improve the immune system. But fasting doesn’t mean you get no calories; by definition, fasting is taking in fewer calories than your body needs. To make fasting more efficient, restricting calories to 800 or fewer seems to accomplish that task in . . .

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The Detox Myth: Half Right

I’ll spend the next two blogs addressing the legitimacy of detox arguments that I’ve seen on several websites in their year-end health recommendations. When it comes to detox, they get it half right and half wrong. Today, the half right.

During presentations, I often describe some detox programs as something like standing outside on one foot during the full moon while drinking some lemon-pepper-maple syrup concoction with one hand while rubbing your belly with the other. There are some weird . . .

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Gourmet Detox Weekend: Creating Healthier Habits

A long-time reader shared an interesting email response regarding the message on Fast Day. When he read that I was only doing liquids as part of the Gourmet Detox Weekend, he said that he has done one fast day with just liquids as well. When he does, he feels great and actually has more energy at the end of the day. He’s adapted it to fit his work schedule, but it’s a habit he’s had for over 20 years—20 years!

That’s . . .

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Fast Day

Tomorrow is the beginning of the Gourmet Detox weekend that I mentioned last week. Personally, I’m going to begin with a one-day fast. Why? Here is an excerpt from Real-Life Detox:

It’s a bit like rebooting your system. When your computer starts acting weird or the apps aren’t working right on your phone, you know it’s time to reboot—turn it off and then turn it back on. Usually your phone or computer work normally after a . . .

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