Tag Archive for: type 1 diabetes

Health Headline: Ketogenic Diet and Type 1 Diabetes

Researchers wanted to examine the blood sugar control of type 1 diabetics who use a very low carbohydrate, high-protein, moderate fat ketogenic diet. The diet was developed by Dr. Richard Bernstein, himself a type 1 diabetic. They used a unique study design: they requested volunteers from a Facebook group of children and adults who adhere to the Bernstein Diet. Over 300 volunteers completed an online survey about their diagnosis and diet. The diagnosis of type 1 diabetes was confirmed from medical records from a follow-up survey of medical staff.

This was a rigid ketogenic diet with no more than 30 grams of carbohydrate allowed per day. The average intake was 36 grams carbohydrate per day. The better the control of carbohydrate intake, the better the HbA1c score, with a mean of 5.7%. Remember, these were type 1 diabetics; there are many type 2 diabetics who don’t control their HbA1c that well. I think this study illustrated the potential of nutrition in affecting a disease system. One interesting aside was the healthcare professionals treating the patients seemed indifferent to the dietary approach regardless of the results.

Headline worthy? Yes, in context. Close to half the subjects did not provide access to medical personnel so the researchers relied on the initial subject surveys for information. They also had no access to any dietary records to confirm the diet. Still this was a unique way to use social media to gather information. The study has to be confirmed using traditional research design to assess the variables. But this approach examined people who live this diet on their own or with their children. That can provide insights that might be missed if the study were conceived by a group of research professionals discussing the question around a table.

What are you prepared to do today?

Dr. Chet


Reference: Pediatrics. 2018. doi: 10.1542/peds.2017-3349.