American Heart Association HBP Guideline

Do You Have High Blood Pressure?

On Monday November 13, you may have awakened with normal blood pressure, and by that afternoon, you may have joined the ranks of those with high blood pressure (HBP). That’s when the American Heart Association (AHA) released their new HBP clinical practice guidelines at their national conference. With the new guidelines, close to half of all adults will be diagnosed with HBP.

The guidelines are the topic for this week’s Memos. I downloaded the entire document—all 481 pages—and three important parts warrant discussion. The first is AHA’s new guidelines for diagnosing HBP, and those numbers are in the graphic above.

While there are numerous questions, the first one is this: is your BP being taken correctly? That’s the topic for Thursday’s Memo, and you’ll be surprised at how often it’s done poorly.

What are you prepared to do today?

Dr. Chet


Reference: Hypertension. 2017;00:e000-e000.