
Do Your Job

Physical preparation. Mental preparation. The final thing that’s drilled in to the Patriots is to do their job and do it to the best of their ability. Don’t take it upon yourself to do someone else’s job because you want to help. Take care of your space, do what you’re supposed to do, and you will be in position to make the right play at the right time.

I’ve been in meetings where people took it upon themselves to suck the oxygen out of the room by talking out of turn and about things not in their area. Those are the type of meetings that lead to less than optimal results.

How does that relate to your health? The doctor does what he or she is supposed to do. The nurse draws blood, the lab tech runs the samples, and the data entry personnel make sure the results are input correctly. The medical team does everything they’re supposed to do.

You’re the final member of that team. You have a role to play whether it’s to eat a specific diet, take your medications at the proper time, or go to cardiac rehab or physical therapy. That job continues when you’re back on your own. It doesn’t mean you’re set for life; it means that now you know your role in getting and staying healthy. In that way, you can train to peak exactly when you need to peak.

Do your job! All you have to do is look in the mirror every morning and ask yourself one question:

What am I prepared to do today?

        Dr. Chet