Jane Austen's World

Nothing Else Matters

“Where health is at stake, nothing else should be considered.”

            Jane Austen’s Emma

Health today is a serious matter. My observation is that we spend a lot of time worrying, maybe even obsessing, about our health; this is not to be confused with disease. If we have a serious medical condition that requires treatment, we’re right to be concerned. But even our treatment and recovery can be impacted by excessive worrying. It’s our attitude toward health that can be improved. For that, we’re going to visit Jane Austen’s novels.

I recently read an article by the author of “The Jane Austen Diet.” He talked about the health nuggets in Austen novels that are often overlooked. Three things caught my attention: the Austen approach to food, exercise, and self image.

The characters and heroines in Austen’s novels seemed to enjoy their food. While the diet was heavy in meats and vegetables, the focus was to enjoy the company of others while eating and not allow one’s feelings to dictate how much one ate. Can we say that today? We worry about the carb count or the fat grams. Stress causes many people to eat more, sometimes a lot more, than they otherwise might. Enjoy a meal with others can be a rare event. How many of our meals happen in our cars as we hustle from one place to another?

The message seems to be to slow down and enjoy food. Food is not just to nourish our body; it should nourish our souls as well.

What are you prepared to do today?

        Dr. Chet

Reference: https://wapo.st/2UeaSiZ