Tag Archive for: sugar

Artificial Sweeteners, Obesity, and Diabetes

Last week, you may have seen headlines that said something like “Artificial Sweeteners May Cause Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes!” Just about every news organization picked up a press release from the Experimental Biology meeting. In the press release, researchers gave some of the results of a paper that was presented at a scientific session, including comments by the lead author, Dr. Brian R. Hoffman.

The purpose for doing the study, he said, was because of the epidemic of obesity and diabetes in the U.S. While there’s little question that excessive sugar intake, combined with excess calories over years, does contribute to obesity and type 2 diabetes, no one has really examined the role artificial sweeteners may play.

In these studies, he and his research team examined the effect of high levels of sugars, aspartame, and acesulfame potassium on epithelial cells taken from rodents in a test-tube study. Then using another group of rodents, they overfed them sugars and the same artificial sweeteners for three weeks. The objective was to see what changes occurred in proteins and metabolites that were produced in cardiovascular epithelial cells in the test-tube study and the blood of the rodents.

They found that there were modifications in proteins under both conditions, which may have led to changes in the products they produced. But is this meaningful research or not? I’ll tell you what I liked about the study in Thursday’s memo.

What are you prepared to do today?

Dr. Chet


Reference: EB 2018. The Influence of Sugar and Artificial Sweeteners on Vascular Health during the Onset and Progression of Diabetes Board # / Pub #: A322 603.20.


Happy Fat Tuesday!

Today is Mardi Gras—in case anyone doesn’t know, Fat Tuesday is the literal meaning of the French term. It’s the final celebration before the period of Lent that culminates in Easter Sunday. Many Christians use this time to give up something they enjoy as a sacrifice. The idea is to reflect and focus on our spiritual self; no matter your beliefs, giving up something you enjoy to focus on your inner self is a good idea. This week, I’m going to talk about giving up three typical categories of food and drink: sugar, salt, and alcohol. What benefits could you gain in the 40 or so days of abstinence from these foods? What may be a healthier substitute?

Let’s start with sugar, and by that I mean cake, cookies, donuts, sweet rolls, pies, ice cream, and candy. These are the ultimate in refined carbohydrates. If you were to abstain from these foods for 40 days, several things could happen. First, your insulin levels would probably drop because you wouldn’t have high levels of sugar hitting your bloodstream. If you’re prediabetic, you might see your triglyceride and HbA1c levels decline. If you had a fatty liver, it would most likely begin to clear up.

What could you substitute that would be healthier? Berries, fresh or frozen, any type, and you could even put a tablespoon of whipped cream on them. The antioxidants and phytonutrients would be better than the refined sugar; fruit sugar is processed differently, so it would not affect your blood sugar. Second choice would be citrus, and third would be apples.

If you’re considering giving up something for the next 40 days or so, make sure it’s something you really enjoy and eat regularly. Paula has a friend from Montana whose father, years ago before every food was available year round, gave up watermelon every Lent. It has to be meaningful.

What are you prepared to do today?


Dr. Chet


Halloween Haze

Today is the day adults and children will be walking around in a sugar haze: candy at work, candy at parties, trick or treating and eating the haul. Paula and I have the candy-corn-and-peanuts mix out for Halloween season.

I happened to see the comic Family Circus on Sunday; it was one of those where Billy stopped everywhere on the way home as he planned his trick or treating route to maximize his candy take.

That triggered the recall of a conversation I heard on a sports show. The announcer had planned how he and his daughter were going to divvy up the candy, especially the big candy bars.

I say enjoy it—it’s only a couple of days. Just don’t make it the beginning of regular treats until the end of the year. That would be two solid months of weight gain. Instead, just like the examples above, plan your route to better health during these next two months. Real-Life Detox is a great way to recover from the Halloween sugar haze, Thanksgiving, or even planning your strategy for the New Year.

You can have better health if you plan for it. The time for planning is right now—or as soon as you come out of your sugar haze.

What are you prepared to do today?

Dr. Chet


“What the Health”: False Sugar Claims

“Sugar doesn’t cause diabetes!” So says just about every expert in the film “What the Health.” Of all the misstatements in the film, this one is the worst and most dangerous. It isn’t because the statement is false; it’s because of the way it’s presented. Expert after expert looks into the camera and says that excess sugar intake does not cause type 2 diabetes. On top of that, the explanations that they give to justify their position are misleading.

One expert said that sugar will be stored as glycogen in the liver and the muscles and the rest used for energy. That’s correct. Another talked about the Duke University Diet which included rice, sugar, and some fruit and fruit juices; one physician used it to help many people who were too sick for other treatments. All the experts filmed agreed that neither sugar nor carbohydrate caused type 2 diabetes. It just couldn’t.

They are stopping short of telling the truth or intentionally misleading the audience. Sugar doesn’t cause type 2 diabetes if the person does not overeat. The statement about glycogen? True, as I said, but when a person overeats carbohydrates, the liver stores as much glycogen as it can and then converts the rest to fat.

Excess carbohydrates lead to insulin resistance and eventually, type 2 diabetes. The Duke University Diet? That was from the 1940s. It was an ultra low-fat diet with no salt, and was used to treat the sickest patients but only under the care of a physician.

The section on sugar and diabetes was by far the worst. It intentionally misleads people to think that overeating is fine as long as it’s carbohydrates. But there was one study that was cited over and over that’s even worse in my opinion. I’ll cover that on Saturday.

What are you prepared to do today?

Dr. Chet


Reference: What the Health. Directed by K. Andersen and K. Kune. 2017.


The Last Word on Sugar

The sugar war continues in the health headlines these last few days of 2016. Here’s a summary of what was said and my opinion.

Researchers reviewed the science behind the nutritional guidelines that fewer than 10% of calories should come from sugar (1), a position held by the World Health Organization and the USDA. After examining the science behind those guidelines, they concluded that the guidelines are not trustworthy.

Experts responded by calling what the researchers did junk science (2). The researchers were funded by a group composed of soda, candy, and fast-food companies. The experts said that . . .

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The Answer to the Sugar Conundrum

Whether you have prediabetes, type 2 diabetes, or are just concerned about the calories in the sugary treats this holiday season, what should you do? Go without and feel deprived, or indulge and pay some sort of price? Let’s take a look by beginning with a few questions.

Why do you want to reduce your sugar intake? Do you want to reduce your caloric intake? Is it because you know you have prediabetes or type 2 diabetes? Are you concerned about gaining weight over the holiday season? Once you know why you want to avoid sugar, you can start . . .

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Sugar Alternatives

Dealing with our sweet tooth this week, let’s look at sugar alternatives that may give us better choices if we don’t want to use artificial sweeteners.

Sugar alcohols are one alternative; xylitol, sorbitol, and other sugar alcohols are often used in candies and other treats. They can be a reasonable alternative to regular sugar, but there are a few things you need to know. First, they have a pronounced aftertaste; it feels like a cool sensation. Second, they’re not calorie free but . . .

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The Sugar Conundrum

During the holiday season, there are plenty of sugary snacks available. Candy, cookies, pies, all kinds of treats. But can something as simple as jam on toast, let alone the holiday treats, be an issue for someone with prediabetes or type 2 diabetes? With close to half of all adults afflicted with one condition or the other, any kind of sugar stops them in their tracks. I see people reading labels carefully in the grocery store and often hear the words “No good. It has sugar!” In the prediabetes and diabetes groups I . . .

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The Bottom Line on a Low-Fat Diet

In this final look at the opinion article in JAMA, I’m going to cover another statement the author made along with some thoughts on the article and why it matters.

In the article, he suggests that, based on the theory that carbohydrates do not cause weight gain, public health policy was changed to encourage the use of more starch and sugars (1). Specifically he cited Healthy People 2000 Nutrition Goal 2.15, which recommended that food manufacturers “increase to at least 5,000 brand items the availability of processed food products that are reduced in fat and saturated fat . . .

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As Much Sugar As You Want!

Continuing the topic from Tuesday’s message, I’m going take a look at one specific statement that the author made in his article in JAMA (1). I chose it because he specifically stated it was used to justify the increase in carbohydrate recommendations in public health policy. I also had never heard of it before—and I’ve been around awhile. The inner quote was taken from an article written in 2001 (2) that was used as a reference in . . .

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